I can truly say I am thankful to be home even though I left a part of my heart in Ethiopia. Oh I can't wait to share the stories. The trip was amazing and so life changing. My eyes now see a different beautiful part of Jesus. I feel like I have had yet another transformation within my soul and I see my home and life here in such a new light. We are just all so blessed to have so much... we have too much. After a long journey we are home safely. Our family is adjusting well .. Jonas is a true gift, a miracle baby who I think God has HUGE plans for. He lights up people wherever we go. He greeted everyone on the plane with his huge dimple smile. He locks eyes with you and instantly you are in love. Random strangers want to hold him because he is just so contagious. He is not the lucky one in this family... we truly are. I can't wait to see what he is going to teach us about Joy. He seems to find it throughout every hour of the day. What a gift and I'm so thankful for the Lord to trust me to care for His precious child. He's just so beautiful not just on the outside but his soul seems so wise.

Brooke has a true mothering heart. God has given her this gift of being a little natural loving caring miniature mom. She fell in love with Jonas the minute she saw him. She is an amazing helper and not over bearing at all. Her instincts are right on for what Jonas needs...they are truly amazing for a little 3 1/2year girl. Today she looked at me with her big blue eyes and said MOMMY thank you for bringing baby Jonas home I'm so glad he's here with us. The first morning she woke up at 5:30am and heard baby Jonas and I downstairs. It was like Christmas for her... she feed him his bottle, changed diapers and got him dressed with me. Brooke is truly overjoyed with all of this new experience. I can't wait to see how many children she will have or how many she will adopt one day.

Parker is doing GREAT! As for most of you know he has been a mamas boy ( which I can say I LOVE) He is doing great with all of this MUCH better than I thought. When we were driving back from the airport Parker had some many stories he wanted to share with Jonas. He talked to him the whole way.. so sweet. I told Parker tonight he could be my helper tonight and get Jonas' bottle and he was very excited about the responsibility. Jonas was sad in his bouncy seat and I caught Parker loving on him saying it's going to be ok.. oh it melted my heart. I think more than anything Parker missed us and family time. He has just had this HUGE content smile on his face since we have been home. I think his love language might be spending quality time. The minute I held him in my arms at the airport he said I missed you. Oh and how I missed them .. I don't think I could ever be away again that long.
Tonight we went on a walk after dinner and I looked at Scott and said I feel like I'm in a dream. I could have never dreamed in a million years of how wonderful my family is and how smoothly things are going. Granted I know there will be bumps and hard days but oh the good days will always out way the bad. If any of you know my story you know I have prayed to God my entire life that all I wanted was a family of my own and God gave me my desires beyond my dreams. God knew he had this perfect family of 5 just waiting for me. I'm so thankful I can see how truly blessed I am. Thank you Lord, I'm in awe of your amazing love for me!!
As soon as I am caught up on some sleep and adjusted to being home I will share everything about our trip .. this blog will be my journal

Brooke has a true mothering heart. God has given her this gift of being a little natural loving caring miniature mom. She fell in love with Jonas the minute she saw him. She is an amazing helper and not over bearing at all. Her instincts are right on for what Jonas needs...they are truly amazing for a little 3 1/2year girl. Today she looked at me with her big blue eyes and said MOMMY thank you for bringing baby Jonas home I'm so glad he's here with us. The first morning she woke up at 5:30am and heard baby Jonas and I downstairs. It was like Christmas for her... she feed him his bottle, changed diapers and got him dressed with me. Brooke is truly overjoyed with all of this new experience. I can't wait to see how many children she will have or how many she will adopt one day.

Parker is doing GREAT! As for most of you know he has been a mamas boy ( which I can say I LOVE) He is doing great with all of this MUCH better than I thought. When we were driving back from the airport Parker had some many stories he wanted to share with Jonas. He talked to him the whole way.. so sweet. I told Parker tonight he could be my helper tonight and get Jonas' bottle and he was very excited about the responsibility. Jonas was sad in his bouncy seat and I caught Parker loving on him saying it's going to be ok.. oh it melted my heart. I think more than anything Parker missed us and family time. He has just had this HUGE content smile on his face since we have been home. I think his love language might be spending quality time. The minute I held him in my arms at the airport he said I missed you. Oh and how I missed them .. I don't think I could ever be away again that long.
Tonight we went on a walk after dinner and I looked at Scott and said I feel like I'm in a dream. I could have never dreamed in a million years of how wonderful my family is and how smoothly things are going. Granted I know there will be bumps and hard days but oh the good days will always out way the bad. If any of you know my story you know I have prayed to God my entire life that all I wanted was a family of my own and God gave me my desires beyond my dreams. God knew he had this perfect family of 5 just waiting for me. I'm so thankful I can see how truly blessed I am. Thank you Lord, I'm in awe of your amazing love for me!!
As soon as I am caught up on some sleep and adjusted to being home I will share everything about our trip .. this blog will be my journal
This banner was on our front porch when we got home .. Thanks PA and KIM!
Our first walk as a whole family including Lucky dog:)
All our precious children finally together
Thanks Rachel, Danielle and Kelly for the stroller we got it when we got home .. It's perfect and we have used it everyday on our walks Love you girls
Oh, it's so wonderful to read about life post travel! I am so happy for you! Thank you for the wonderful video, our first glimpse of Helen's smile! Also, I've noticed your t-shirts. Do you make them or did you buy them somewhere? I love them. Have a great day! Carissa
This whole post made me tear up! What a wonderful post. And I have to say Jonas is such a beautiful baby. But you already knew that! :-) Seeing pictures of his sweet smiling face almost makes me want to have another child! Seriusly! :-)
I am so happy everything is coming together wonderfully for you with all the kids. It sounds like you have the perfect little helpers- compassionate and wise.
So happy for you all!
YAY! I am so glad you are home. Jonas is so beautiful.
I am so happy for you, Heidi! I'll have to make a trip down to see al three of your little ones! My girls would have such fun with your kids. Take care and God bless.
I am so happy to see your family reunited! Yall look so adorable and I can't wait to hold that little Jonas myself. He and Summer will be close in age and able to play together. We will have to plan our next family get together soon!
Love yall
Heidi!! What a joy!!! He is so adorable! I cannot wait to meet him! God is so good!!!
YEAH! So glad to see pics, what a great pic of when you were all together, love it!
Love Ya,
I am needing some Jonas squeals!
We were able to hold your son at the care center when we went in March to bring our son home. He is a sweetheart. He didn't quit smiling the entire time we were there. He definetly is the happiest baby I have ever met. God bless you all. Shayla
Phyllis and I are happy for you. All of you look so happy and content. God is good, all the time, all the time God is good.
Gerry and Phyllis De Jong
I am so happy for your family! Jonas is absolutely precious and I am so happy that he is finally home with you. God is so good!
Many blessings to you!
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