So a little update... I know our dossier arrived in Ethiopia on Nov. 12, which is great news. Now our referral ( a referral will be a picture of our child and all their information) can come at any time. We do have a number on the list but our cordinator had a great point to not get caught up in the numbers because we never know exactly what someone else's criteria is. .. such as an older child vs a baby, boy or girl or siblings. So, I'm trying to focus on that it's not about the number it's about God timing for us. God has already picked this child for our family. It's all really a GOD thing and his child will find us and be in our hearts forever. It is exciting to daydream about what the sex of the baby will be and how old. I also wonder if the child is already there at the care center just waiting on us? Or is the mother having to make the hardest decision of her life to give up her child for a situations we will never truly experience or understand. I know this child is hand pick for us and I know God has choosen us to step up and love this child unconditionally forever.. I feel honored that the Lord Trusts me to care for another child of His. It brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it. This is such a gift to being going through this experience. So, for now this is a fun time of waiting and totally surrendering our TRUST to the Lord. As, I know He has the PERFECT time for us. I'm just so excited for that day!
Just as a clue our number is in the group above:)
Thanks for the clue :) I have no idea...
It is such a wonderful feeling to completely surrender to God and His timing and His will.
Congratulutions. We are also with IAG, hopefully traveling in about 2 months. Hopefully you can get your referral by then so we can take lots of pictures for you! I can't wait to hear the great news!
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