Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Let the packing begin!
If there is one thing I hate besides raking leaves it's packing.
I am that person that waits the very last minute to pack for a trip like the hour before.  
But we are moving, this time next week we will be in a rental so it's time we get busy filling boxes. 
It's such a blessing to have this rental as I went last week to visit a 1300 sq foot apartment thinking there is no way with 4 kids this could work but really was our only option...
until the next morning our friends told us we could rent their rental!! 
Yay and even better they told us we can do month to month until we found our next home. WOW! 
What an answered prayer to have a home to move too plus month to month couldn't have dreamed of that! 
It's another season in life of trusting God, he's going to put us right where he wants us.. 
figuring out every detail along the way. 
 We are still searching for our next house but staying here locally. 
We needed a little more space but most importantly we need a yard. 
I think the housing market is slowly making it's turn around here in Fl. as we haven't been able to find a home yet. We are sitting tight to find the right place hoping to get a deal, again God is in charge of that...
 just trusting in him. 
So this years spring break 2012 is spent mostly packing ..yuck!
 but I think it will be worth the work!


Lindsey said...


Jon y Amy said...

Yuck! I am so not a fan of packing! I am trying to clean out our house to so we can sell it. Probably my least favorite job...EVER. ;)