Last weekend one of my best friends came down to visit me, really she came to get me motivated for Sunshine's arrival. I have done nothing .. I mean not even hung up one piece of clothing. I just keep putting it off and think I'll get around to it but with 3 other little ones it's easy to get distracted. She was amazing! She dropped everything at home and took time away from her family to just help me.. crazy! I'm blessed to have such an amazing friend, it meant so much! So fun just to have quality girl time, I think we talked from the minute she got here until the minute she left. We dissected every part of our lives as being a mom and wife. Oh it felt so good to share our hearts with one another. I just love me some quality girl time and let me tell ya ... so does Brooke. On Saturday morning, we had our list ready to go out and conquer, Brooke begged to join us for the day. I told her she could but it might not be fun... she didn't care, she just wanted to join our girls day out. She was so giddy and excited to hang with us. It really was just too cute! She acted so grown up and wanted to help any chance she could. She even offered to carry my purse for me.. isn't she the sweetest. It was a great day and we got tons done... our mission was accomplished.
I now have a crib, clothes hanging in my closet, all her bedding picked out, a way to organize the room, a solution for the mural on the wall, and a couple of new cute outfits for Sunshine. I think it's finally hitting me I'm having a baby in 6 weeks:) Kelly girl it means so much for all your hard work and love you poured over me .. I am so very blessed to have you in my life! Your support has been awesome thanks more than my words can express.

These were are a few pictures we took before heading out

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Yay for good friends!
Yeah for getting things done. And double YEAH for good friends to help! Thanks for linking up with me in place of Em yesterday and keep praying for our friend.
I feel your excitement! It is so heartwarming for me,thanks for sharing. Now, how bout pics of Sunshines room? love,love,love you all
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