For today's embrace the camera, a few weeks ago we joined Scott on a work trip to the beach. I was so excited to have warm weather and a little relaxation. Jonas was staying with grandparents as I knew it would be hard with him at the beach and swimming pool as he doesn't know how to swim.. I would have been on my toes the whole time. Oh how my expectations were high .. I had visions of laying by the pool reading books while the kids swam. Little did I know the weather wasn't going to cooperate. We started our journey with a huge rain storm but Scott was hopeful. Within 30 minutes of us arriving the sun had burst through and we were so excited! We headed to the beach as quickly as we could. For about 2 hours we had nice sunny weather and we enjoyed every minute. The twins are at an age they can entertain themselves for hours in the sand and water... they were loving it! The water was freezing but it didn't stop them.
That night we headed out to dinner
Quickly our trip turned, our hotel room air conditioner sounded like a freight train, we were by the ice maker that we heard all night, our toilet and sink clogged.. we had to switch rooms. The next two days it was pretty disappointing, cooler weather had come and we had huge strong gushing winds keeping us from the beach and pool and trapped in the hotel room. Luckily we did find a place with an inside playground that the kids loved for a few hours.
After the indoor playground I got a call from Mimi that Jonas was sick and not himself, oh I wanted to go home instantly. We made the quick decision to shorten the trip and head home first thing in the morning. The icing on the cake was in the middle of the night Parker throw up all over me.... yuck with my high alert pregnancy nose I smelled it all night wanting to throw up myself.... it must have been something he ate. Fun times, the whole trip was comical! Did I really think I would be able to relax? Isn't that funny:) One lesson I never seem to learn is to have lower expectations. Even though the trip was pretty rough, my highlight was watching American Idol with the twins. They picked their favorite singers which unfortunately now have already all been kicked off. They were so cute and grown up to watch it with us. Isn't it funny that if I would have just put up these pictures.. you would think wow they had such a great time at the beach....oh what little pictures really show behind the scenes:)
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bummer that the kids got sick, but it looks like a nice getaway overall. :)
oh I SOOO cant wait for warmer weather!!!
Looks like you had a good time, even with the few down things
Thank s for sharing
Great photos! Looks like you all had a lot of fun!!! :)
Oiy! What a crazy beach trip. Sorry you didn't get more sunshine. :(
Yuck. It sounds like a rough trip! On the brightside, you are looking completely radiant! Pregnancy looks good on you. :)
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