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It melts my heart when I ask Jonas " Whos Mama's baby?" and he says "yonas" and laughs.. ahh there is no better feeling! He is for sure my sweet little baby, I just love him so much. It's hard to believe he's been home with us for 9 months. Time is flying .. I just wish I could hit the pause button to really stop and enjoy all the priceless moments that happen each day. I can't seem to keep up with his vocabulary as everyday he adds more and more words that would blow your mind.... he's a little parrot.
For those of you that have dreamed or even thought about adoption it's truly a gift! Ours lives are so much richer since taking a leap of faith. Don't let the worry of money, paperwork, or any other fears stop you. God will take care of all your needs,desires, details and place the right child into your family that you can't imagine living without. Adoption is just beautiful and I'm so thankful I get to experience it. It's a privilege that God called us to adopt...look at that cuteness... how can you not just want another one of God's children in your family?
Oh sweet Jonas I thank God everyday I get to be your mommy, thank you for all the laugher and love your bring us. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you, I want to protect, nurture, provide and most of all love you unconditionally all of my days.
my favorite verse that really represents my life
Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
precious!! and what an example you and your family are by taking the leap of faith and adopting!
He is a beautiful boy!
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