Wednesday, January 5, 2011

And the best wife in the world award goes to.....

Hey it's Scott, Heidi's husband. I have never posted on this blog, but figured it was about time. When Heidi first started this blog, I never imagined in my wildest dreams that it would become such an amazing tool to share our life. Heidi, I am so proud of what an amazing writer you have become. For someone that was self conscious about her writing, all I can say is "WOW!" God truly speaks right though your fingers when you write. It makes me so proud when I read comments from people that you have touched through your writing. Thank you so much for investing time into this amazing blog that you have put so much of your heart and soul into.

If God lined up every woman in this world and asked me to pick one, I would pick you...every time! I love you with all my heart, mind, and soul.


Deborah said...


the crazy armstrongs said...

ok ... I'm crying .. this could go down as one of the sweetest things ever for me.. thanks babe! I love you so much!