Scott and I with his Grandmother ..isn't she the cutest thing ever she's almost 90 years old.
Pa and Parker having fun on a kids bike we were selling
At Preston and Kim's house busy selling all the items, Thanks so much for hosting it!! 
The archers of the group
The archers of the group
Enjoying the beautiful day
Brooke busy at work and Parker found a train set we were selling .. he played on it ALL day...ended up keeping it:)
After seeing the picture above.. Parker went and got a haircut and came back with a popsicle that we shared with Brooke .. so sweet!
I couldn't have done it without these two ladies below! THANK YOU!
We sold until 5pm and sold so much to come to a Grand total of $2700!! CRAZY!! I don't want to ever hear anyone say they can't adopted because of money. Because God is bigger than we can ever imagine. This went beyond our expectations to reach just 1000... little faith did I have. So many people helped by giving there things, by showing up to buy and by helping me setup and sell and most of all by praying. THANK YOU, THANK YOU dear friends for digging and searching for things for us to sell. It means so much to be supported by some really wonderful friends and family! We could have never been able to do this without you all! God totally takes all the details and works them out. We should never doubt how big he is .. I just love to see him show up in Huge ways like this! If your hearts desire is to have a child through adopion it can and will be done! Just have faith that he is bigger than our desires and he wants so badly to give you the desires of your heart.
That is wonderful! Loved the pics
God was with you all right! Because when I had my yard sale last year I ended up maxing out at $100:(
I'm thrilled for yall's success...bring that sweet baby boy home!
Wow, that is AMAZING! Looks like you had fun too!
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