The Armstrong Coffee Store
OK, Some of you are wondering how you can help us with our adoption? Well.. here is fun way.. if you like coffee you can buy bags from our store. For every bag we sell $5 goes towards our adoption. They are 6 different choices of flavors, whole bean or ground... also coffee mugs, t-shirts and other products. This business started by a family that has adopted from Ethiopia themselves and you can read about their story on the website. I highly recommend the Ethiopian blend .. it's my favorite:) Please tell your friends about this website as Christmas is coming up and would be a fun gift to give.
We are doing this too! Isn't it such a great idea by the Webb family who own the coffee company.
I wanted to let you know that the title of your blog was not showing up on my sidebar when I added it. So, I just typed in "a family of five"...using 'A' because I wasn't sure if you wanted your last name on there. I hope that works okay...if the title was suppose to be something else, please let me know.
YAY! So glad you said hey on the comments! Just added your blog to mine so I can follow your journey!!! You have a BEAUTIFUL family by the way! And it's just about to get even more beautiful!!! So excited to be on this journey with other families like yours!!!
Hey there,
will you send me your email so we can keep in touch better that way, also I woul love to send you Mazie Grace's picture so yo can see our little love.
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