If you would like to read our journey to this point read these two post 1. Why the Fog rolled in then 2. The Fog was lifted
I'm 13 weeks now and this is a picture of our precious little baby at 12 weeks. Our ultrasound tech was able to tell the sex (75% sure) so she wrote it down on a card which we plan to open on Christmas Day. I just can't believe it's real, I have such a beautiful little miracle growing inside of me. I want to scream from the mountain top HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH!

Thank you all that have prayed through the years... it's been a long journey! So, now it's your turn... what do you think this baby is? Please vote on the right hand side :)
I wish you all a wonderful Christmas! Let peace rule your heart and let thankfulness flow freely in response of Jesus glorious gift. LOVE to you all
CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for your family. Merry Christmas.
Awesome, awesome!!! So happy for y'all!!!! What a gift!
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