This picture was taken at the police station getting our background checks.
I have had a lot of people ask me about the Ethiopia adoption process.. I know it's something I had NO idea about or where to even begin. That is why having friends going through this process has REALLY helped. So, this is my attempt to explain it in basic terms. The first few months is getting lots of paperwork filled out and in order.. really not hard. After the paperwork is completed you will be put on a wait list. Our agency we finally decided to go with after changing our minds twice is International Adoption Guides. One of the main reason for changing is our wait list at this agency is
soooo AMAZINGLY short. Other agencies we were going with it was 18months ... drum roll please..... .. ours is 2-4months for a boy, 6-7months for a girl.. can you believe the difference? It's crazy! The main reason why is because it's a smaller agency. Here are the main steps in the process.
- STEP 1. Home study- This has been such a blessing our home study lady is Debra Hewitt and she goes to our church. She has also adopted and has a WEALTH of knowledge. Her main job is to make sure you are fit to be parents. She will come and interview you, your husband and kids. She will also view your home.. and writes about all she finds out about ya.
- STEP 2. - Dossier - It consists of documents that represent you before the Ethiopian Authorities. Then all your paperwork has to be ..
- notarized
- county authenticated
- state certified
- sent to agency
- bundled
- authenticated at the U.S. department of state
- a second authentication at the Ethiopian embassy
- sent to our agency coordinator in Ethiopia
- After all that done .. then wait a few weeks then ON THE WAITING LIST for your child!
- STEP 3- Citizenship and Naturalization services- Also called the I600-A form. Your doing this process as you wait for your child's referral.
- STEP4- Referral - this is a packet of information with your child's picture and health information. You are given the freedom to "turn down" the child if there are too many health issues or other reasons. But who on earth could that?!
- STEP 5- Court Date- After saying "Yes" to the referral. All our paperwork (dossier) will be presented to the officials and to the court. After passing court (pray the 1st time) the child will become legally a new member of our family!
- STEP 6- Travel- We will travel to Ethiopia to bring our child home. We will only be there about 5days.
Here are the details we put that we want a healthy child under the age of 18months boy or girl doesn't matter. We are a split house with Brooke and I wanting a girl and Scott and Parker wanting a boy. We will see what God give us.. he knows what is best for our family. Where are we in this process? you ask... .. well, almost done with all the paperwork! YEAH .. our goal is by this Friday Oct. 30 we will be completely done with our dossier and FedEx off! We will keep you posted.. .. as the true excitement can set in for us to have all that behind us ... it will be a great day for rejoicing! Ours dreams will becoming a reality.
If you have other questions.. I'm here to answer them..
whatever .. if you know me you know I'm a open book:)
Hi Heidi!
You are so close to us!!! Everyone I know who is adopting from ET lives so far away and you guys are in Florida, how exciting!
I have been reading your blog this morning getting chills and tearing up. There is nothing like following the Lord on this journey of a lifetime. Hard, wonderful, joyful, and right now trying ever so hard to hold onto the joy set before us as we wait knowing our little love is across the ocean waiting. Just wanted to say hello and glad you found us. I would love to stay in touch and get to know you better!
Many Blessings,
Hey Heidi!
I'm so glad you have a blog as I LOVE to read them and it will help me know how to specifically pray for you. I'm thrilled with your journey and look forward to meeting the new addition to the Armstrong gang! I hope we can find more opportunities to hang out in the future since we are neighbors! Many blessings to you and your family.
Can you please send me your email address or email me at wendyleawilson@gmail.com I have several questions about your adoption process and experienece with IAG. I couldn't find your email address on your blog.
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