We have a secret! We can't tell you yet as I'm dying too but we are waiting to tell a few more friends in person before we POST everything on this blog!! OH BOY .. I can hardly stand it!! YOU will be shocked and hopefully excited for us! OH and don't get any crazy ideas.. I'm not pregnant. It's better than that! God has really been moving in our lives!! So, look out for the big news it will be here soon for the world to know. What do you think it might be? If you know .. no guessing for you :)
Goodness, the suspense is killing me! Um let me guess (what is better than being pregnant) - your adopting a baby or a puppy. Your moving (but that doesn't seem good), you won the lottery! I don't know. TELL TELL TELL!
oh, man, I am so impatient. I just don't do good with secrets. I agree with Jana-tell tell tell. Oh, you're moving to NC like you said you always wanted to do-that has always been your dream -that's it! hmmmmmmmm......oh gosh, wouldya just hurry up and tell whoever it is that ya gotta tell so the rest of us can know! you are so much Heidi and full of life!
you are adopting-that's it!
I'll will try to call you guys today to tell you .. love you
I want to know!!!, but whatever it is am so excited to hear what God is doing! Maybe tomorrow??
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