Our church, Summit Church, had their 6 o'clock service at Bethune Beach just south of New Smyrna. Before the service, around 20 people were baptized including Heidi and I. We were fully anticipating to do it on our own, but when we got to the front of the line the lady asked us if we wanted to do it together. For some reason we had never thought it was possible to do that. You should have seen our faces when we realized we could be baptized together...it was like kids in a candy store. Walking out to the water was very surreal...nerves, cold water, anticipation, and excitement rushed through our bodies. When we got to Isaac (our pastor...in the black) he started telling us what was going to happen. The only word that we both agree on is "frozen". We were both frozen for some reason, i guess because of the things mentioned above (nerves, cold, anticipation, excitement). Isaac said "What are your full names?"...I said "Scott, um Armstrong....um Scott Whitney Armstrong....ya Scott Whitney...Armstrong. Heidi then followed gracefully by saying...Heidi Armstrong...um Heidi Elizabeth..I mean Rodenbaugh...Armstrong....Heidi Rodenbaugh.........Armstrong." 

The waves were not small by any means, I would say 2 or 3 feet. Watching the people before us, it seemed like a game of frogger trying to avoid the waves crashing on top of you. After Heidi and I said our names, we looked straight ahead (west...right at the setting sun and the hundreds of people gathered on the beach) while Isaac asked us a few questions about our faith. He then said "Scott and Heidi Armstrong, I baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit". We were both submerged under the water and brought back up with renewed faith. As we walked back to the beach, we couldn't help but smile from ear to ea
r. The one strange thing we both remember is not feeling a bit cold...a warmth ran through both of our bodies as we walked back to where Parker and Brooke were. Another cool thing for me was having my co-worker, Jeff, baptized right after us. What an amazing bonding experience for both of us. I am really looking forward to see what God has in store for us at The Golf Channel.

Heidi - Since Scott wrote the post I wanted to share a few feelings I had. As looking into the sunset I was seeing the light of a fresh start and a forgiveness of my past. When walking out of the water renewed, with my man by my side and Jesus in my heart I felt strength I just can't describe. It was a moment in our marriage that we will never forget. 

beautiful!!! thanks for sharing :)
That is great. I am really happy for you guys. I wish we would have been there to share it with you.
Looked like an amazing day, We are really happy for you guys! ...and could the twins be any more cute?
That is AWESOME!!!!
Wow my beloved sister and wonderful brother in law have renewed their faith in Christ- and are commited to glorifying him in everything they do! What could be better? I am so proud of yall and how awesome it is yall could experience the grace of Christ like that together!
Anyone whom speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever!
1 Peter 4:11
Cant wait to see everyone next week!
What a special day, and what a gift to experience together.
We love you guys.
Allee said what I was feeling better than I could have. What a God moment for both of you to share. His love is more than we can ever imagine! Brooke and Parker are precious and I LOVE THIS BLOG!
Scott and Heidi,
What a beautiful testimony for you both and for the love of your children. Truly Awesome!!!
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
Heidi, I am so gald that you shared your experience. Before, I only scrolled through pictures of the children. Tonight, I sat and read the experiene that you two shared from your "Beach Baptism." Wow, what an awesome testimony to new believers and those who have needed a renewal experience. Happy New Year!!!
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